He fights violently with Bender in ' Crimes of the Hot', when he insults a turtle that Bender had traveled all the way to Holland to save. Preacherbot also presides over the funeral of Bender’s uncle Vladimir after he dies in ' The Honking'. He briefly speaks at Bender's 'funeral' in ' A Pharaoh to Remember'. He also presides at Leela's wedding to Alcazar in ' A Bicyclops Built for Two', Leela's wedding to Fry in ' Time Keeps on Slippin'', Calculon's wedding to Bender (as Coilette) in ' Bend Her', and Leela's wedding to the Robot Devil in ' The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings'. In ' Hell is Other Robots', he tries to get Bender back on the right track. He always manages to be on hand to conduct weddings and funerals, no matter how far, as well as has aspirations of acting that same role in movies. Reverend Lionel Preacherbot is a preacher at the Temple of Robotology. in the Good Book 3.0.' ― Lionel Preacherbot ' Hey! Do I preach to you when you're lying stoned in the gutter? No! So beat it!' ― Bender
Phil LaMarr ' Wretched sinner unit! The path to robot heaven lies here.